


IPFS, the decentralization

IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) is a distributed file system that aims to create a peer-to-peer global hypermedia protocol, allowing users to access and share all data on the internet without the need for centralized servers.

Storage and Addressing#

IPFS uses a distributed network to store files, allowing files to be stored on multiple computers to prevent single point failures. These nodes are interconnected to form a network, and users can access data through any node on the network.

IPFS addresses data using hash links instead of file names, which means files can be addressed by their hash addresses rather than their locations, preventing data tampering.

IPFS also provides a solution called "IPNS" that allows files to be accessed using more memorable names instead of hash addresses. IPFS can also be used in conjunction with other protocols such as HTTP, making it an infrastructure alternative to traditional websites.

In addition, IPFS has high security as it uses encryption algorithms to protect data and employs multiple techniques to prevent data tampering.

Data Distribution and Storage#

IPFS uses the BitTorrent protocol for data distribution and sharing, increasing data availability through distribution and sharing among multiple nodes.

Because data hashes are immutable, a version control protocol like Git is introduced when modifying files.

To ensure data reliability, similar to blockchain, IPFS also has an incentive system called Filecoin.

In simple terms, IPFS = BitTorrent + Git + DHT + SFS

DHT stands for Distributed Hash Table, which is a distributed storage method.
Without the need for servers, each client is responsible for a small range of routing and storing a small portion of the data, enabling addressing and storage for the entire DHT network.
SFS stands for Simple File System, a lightweight file system used to manage files on IPFS nodes.

IPFS and BitTorrent are both peer-to-peer distributed file sharing protocols, but IPFS focuses more on the persistence and accessibility of file content, while BitTorrent is more commonly used for file transfer.

IPFS also encrypts and divides data into blocks.

Incentive System#

IPFS's storage incentive system uses a cryptocurrency-based mechanism called IPFS Token. Nodes can earn IPFS Tokens by providing storage space and bandwidth to the network, and content providers can use Tokens to pay for the storage and distribution services provided by nodes.

IPFS Gateway#

The IPFS Gateway is a publicly accessible HTTP gateway that allows anyone to browse and access content on the IPFS network, similar to accessing traditional web pages.
This allows users to access content on the IPFS network without installing an IPFS node.

Users can find and download content on the IPFS network by accessing public gateways, such as using a browser or other HTTP clients to access the gateway and entering the corresponding Content Identifier (CID) to retrieve the content.

Different gateways may perform differently on different network operators, resulting in slow speeds or even inability to access the provided download links. In such cases, you can use the IPFS Gateway Selector tool IPFS Gateway Selector to intuitively select a gateway with faster speeds in the current environment.

For example, if you want to access a file with the hash or CID bafybeigdyrzt5sfp7udm7hu76uh7y26nf3efuylqabf3oclgtqy55fbzdi, the corresponding address would be:
Then, select a gateway with low latency from the gateway list, and the corresponding address would be similar to:

For sharing files, you can use platforms like

However, for the shared content to be stored, someone needs to open (access) or download it. Otherwise, it cannot be stored.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.